TPK in Queen of the Demonweb Pits. My commoner just put the hurt on a Portuguese man-o-war but didn't bother to save the contemptible paladin.
Playtesting in The Temple of Elemental Evil. My half-orc burned a bunch of bugbears with a well-timed crit who had eaten the downed paladin.
Just escaped Queen of the Demonweb Pits! My magic-user just bit three gelatinious cubes. That was the end of the one-legged paladin.
Game night: Slave Pits of the Undercity. My elf just slew a wight with a magic missile, but it was too late for the dead paladin.
TPK in Labyrinth of Madness! My vicar just defeated some despairing flumphs, but it was too late for the helpless paladin.

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