Sarah Darkmagic joins the party

I’m pleased to announce that Tracy Hurley ( is helping me out with a new backer reward. If we hit $20k, she’ll join Mike Shea and Mike Mornard as DMs who are providing exclusive dungeon adventures to $17+ backers.

Sarah Darkmagic is the writer of the “Joining the Party” column on the official D&D website and also one of D&D’s few Important Bloggers: people whose opinions absolutely should influence the future of D&D. I’m proud and humbled to have another all-star help me out with my little project.

One of Tracy’s coolest new projects is her upcoming Prismatic Art kickstarter: “In geek culture, there are plenty of Lukes, but not enough Landos or Leias.” She’s looking for female and ethnically diverse artists and art.

This is an overdue project, and I wish I could contribute art! I don’t qualify, and I must admit, my art often falls short in that department. For instance, when asking artists to help me with my sticker backer reward, I made sure to include more than 50% women artists. Then I went ahead and contributed this sticker:

2 Responses to “Sarah Darkmagic joins the party”

  1. katre says:

    Ha! Excellent tattoo of a dude wearing a tattoo.

  2. tracy says:

    Thanks for that awesome introduction. :)

    One thing I want to make clear, we’re not excluding any artists from the project. We want to make sure we have a diverse group of artists but we have a few talented men who signed on for the project as well. :)

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