Archive for the ‘game design’ Category

ammo rules from Gamma World

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

I never played Gamma World. I’m just not a post-apocalyptic guy, I guess. Some people’s inner psyche resonates to a brutal, hopeless desert world filled with mad Maxes. My “quiet place” is a verdant forest, dotted with wildflowers and limpid pools, and it’s being set on fire by orcs.

Although I’m not the Gamma World demographic, I do want to read the Gamma World rulebook. I like reading RPG combat mechanics. I have this 19th-century idea that RPG game rules are steadily progressing towards perfection. (That’s opposed to the classical worldview of old-school bloggers: that every RPG generation is a further-debased descendant of a Golden Age.)

WOTC preview articles have shown ff some of the Gamma World rules. One of my favorite of these mechanics is the rule for ammo use.

Ammunition is a problem in D&D. Do you make all the players count arrows? (Probably not.) Do you let people buy a sheaf of 20 arrows, and let them use that from level 1 to retirement? (Probably.) What about magic arrows? should PCs count them?

The Gamma World rule is this: when you use ammo, you may either try to conserve it or be profligate with it. If you conserve it, you can use it once per encounter. If you’re profligate with it, you can use it as many times as you like during this encounter, but at the end of the encounter, you’ve used it up.

This strikes me as a great way to introduce ammunition-conservation decisions without adding an irritating arrow-counting step to every ranged combatant’s turn. It wouldn’t work with normal arrows, of course: you can’t have a ranger who fires one arrow per encounter. I’d prefer to handwave normal ammunition and use this rule for what it was designed for: limited, powerful resources: a sheaf of magic arrows, perhaps. It could also replace the pre-4e rules for magic items with charges.

There’s an extra benefit of this rule, besides avoiding accounting. In video games as well as D&D, do you know how many times I use magic ammunition/items with charges? ZERO. I hoard. I like a rule that circumvents my hoarding instinct.

Mazes and Monsters: mystery in the caves

Monday, October 11th, 2010
This entry is part 10 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

Remember the caves? They were featured, ominously, in the first shot of the film, and then Jay Jay was going to commit suicide there, but didn’t, and then the players LARPED there without incident. It seems that something is finally happening there!

Katie drives by the cave and sees a car parked nearby. Panicked, she rushes in to save … Blondie? He confesses that he has been mapping the caves between official game sessions. “”I wanted to figure out where Jay Jay hid the treasure.”

Katie and Blondie get home safe. Another fake-out where no one gets lost in caves. Something is going to happen there soon, though, I can just feel it!

What we learn from Blondie’s confession about “the treasure”, though, is that there is just one treasure at the heart of every maze! It sounds like when you find the treasure, you win the maze. Players have a lot of motivation to find the best possible route to the treasure, avoiding unnecessary dangers and obstacles.

This is how early editions of D&D worked too. Most of players’ XP was earned from treasure; wandering monsters were things to be avoided. By third edition D&D, though, character advancement came primarily from combat. If you skipped the combats, you’d never level up.

We’d better codify this in our Mazes and Monsters rules.

The maze treasure

At the center of every Maze in Mazes and Monsters is a treasure! The object of Mazes and Monsters is to find this treasure. Only by finding the treasure will the characters gain the wealth, powers, and spells they need to gain Levels and defeat their personal problems. Be wary, though: every treasure will be guarded by formidable obstacles!

I think that, while the bulk of XP in Mazes and Monsters comes from finding the Treasure, you must also get some XP from incidental encounters. After all, everyone was excited when the party met a dozen bloodthirsty undead!

How long to level 9?

I have another question about gaining levels. All the players are so proud of having level 9 characters. How hard is this? How long does it take to get to Level 9?

Mazes and Monsters: leveling rules

Monday, October 4th, 2010
This entry is part 9 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

I’ve been blogging the Mazes and Monsters RPG for about two months now, which is a long time in internet land, so, just in case you’re new to the project:

I’m watching Tom Hanks’ Mazes and Monsters to glean the rules of the Mazes and Monsters RPG. So far, the game players (Hanks, Jay Jay, Kate, and the blond guy) have stolen costumes from the college theater department and LARPed in a dangerous cave, and Tom Hanks has gone totally insane, hallucinated a fight with an evil monster, and broken up with Kate because a spectral figure called “The Great Hall” told him to.

Now we’re all caught up!

Confused and hurt by her breakup with Hanks, Kate meets Blondie in a diner (apparently there is a diner on campus? it seems to be called “Fat City”) for some post-breakup flirtation, and to ask whether Hanks might be acting a little more… Pardieuxy than usual. Blondie is unable or unwilling to recognize the change in Hanks’ personality.

GIRL: What about his blessing people all the time and giving his stuff away and acting so holy?
BLONDIE: He’s just staying in character. […] I don’t think Robbie’s turning into Pardieux. We work out our problems in the caverns and then we leave them there.

It’s been a while since we were reminded that Mazes and Monsters is a game meant to help us Work Out Our Problems. But it is. Who knows how many thousands it helped during the 80s? Such a powerful healing tool was undoubtedly invaluable for professional psychologists. I bet this scenario played out a lot:

PSYCHOLOGIST: Hmm, your marriage does seem to be troubled. Perhaps we should try some role-play. (lights candles) You are standing before the greatest adventure of all: marriage. Shall ye enter?
HUSBAND and WIFE: Aye! (dice are rolled)
WIFE: I slew a Gorville!
ALL: Marriage saved!

But for every problem solved, there is a life ruined. For every yin, there is a Hanks. The game really should come with a warning to that effect.

Mazes and Monsters is a game about FUN – but it is also a game about self-improvement. Mazes and Monsters players work out their problems in the game and then they leave them there.

Like any respectable psychological tool – hypnotism, LSD, lobotomy, Scientology – Mazes and Monsters is dangerous if used improperly. Don’t try to work out serious real-life problems until you are high enough level to deal with them! And never play the game except under the guidance of a fully licensed Maze Controller!

The other fact to notice about this scene: Blondie writes off some pretty wacky behavior – blessing people all the time, giving away his stuff – as “staying in character.” Well, we know that Blondie isn’t so smart. This is the guy that advocated splitting up when they were LARPING in the cave. But still, “staying in character” seems to be something that is acceptable within the Mazes and Monsters subculture.

A high-level Mazes and Monsters player may want to start acting like his character in the real world. This is perfectly normal. This is what Russian theater director Konstantin Stanislavski calls “staying in character”. It can help players gain the naturalistic playing style they really need to work out their problems in the game.

The next night, Tom Hanks again dreams of The Great Hall!

HALL: Pardieux. Next you must find the secret city under the earth.
HANKS: When?
HALL: When you have purified your mind as you have your body.
HANKS: I’m making a map!
HALL: When you are ready, you will need no map.

From Hanks’ madness we can glean game rules. He is a player, not the Maze Controller, and yet he feels it is his responsibility to make a map. Therefore, a player must be appointed to be the party mapper, as in Dungeons and Dragons.

Player Responsibilities

The players should be prepared to do a little work to ease the task of the Maze Controller.

One player should be the maze mapper. This player notes down the twists, turns, corridors, and rooms of the Maze. Only by studying the map will the players be able to reach the treasure.

Here’s Hanks’ map. Pretty nice, huh?

the great hall/two towers map

Next session, we’ll talk about XP!

where do cities go?

Friday, October 1st, 2010

African Civilizations by Graham Connah

African Civilizations by Graham Connah

it is interesting to note that many of the savanna urban centres appear to have grown up at environmental interfaces, between transportation systems. Thus at Timbuktu goods were transferred from camel to canoe and at Kano from camel to donkey. (page 141)

When you’re drawing your map of the world, put cities at the border between two terrain types. That’s where traders change from one type of transportation to another. For instance, horses come in the north gate of the city, and camels go out the south gate.

It’s well known that cities grow up along coasts and rivers. That’s where ship- and raft-based travel meets road travel. But that’s just the most obvious example of this general rule.

The Creature in Gray

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

I wrote a short story about a horrible creature cloaked in gray robes that speaks only in whispers, mimics your form, makes you cry tears of blood, and then turns turns you into a horrible mind-slave under its command!

Then I ran it as a D&D monster! It was super fun. I set up a weird environment in the Shadowfell that was similar to the beautiful and creepy garden Paul described in a previous article. The Creature in Gray used Unearthly Whispers to charm the wizard, who got to throw out his bag of horrible controller tricks against the party for a change. Unfortunately, I hadn’t thought of adding a bunch of temporary HP to the wizard to make him tougher, so he went down pretty quickly (I thought of it mid combat and gave him the temp HP and a small heal to bring him back into the fight).

I took some liberties with its abilities, but it’s a pretty good and creepy reflection of the creature I created for my story. The revised version is below:

Read the short story below! (more…)

the coming crisis: D&D edition

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Christoph at Free Spacer has a post wondering if technical aids (iPad apps, for instance) will lead to sprawling game rules. In general, my optimism is almost Pollyanna-ish, but I agree that this is something worth considering.

Pencil and paper RPG rules have opposed forces acting on them:

an urge towards simulation creates complicated rules, and
irritation with recordkeeping pares them down.

This iterative process (theoretically) removes dud rules that don’t pull their weight. It’s responsible for a lot of the evolution of the D&D ruleset. (Of course, “dud” is relative: some may argue that the 1e harlot table added to the depth of the game world, and the pared-down 4e skill list doesn’t provide enough scope for epic-level rope use.)

Mazes and Monsters retro clone 7: beware of the sacrilege!

Monday, September 20th, 2010
This entry is part 7 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

We last left off with Tom Hanks and his friends in the middle of a new, LARP-enhanced version of Mazes and Monsters. They just encountered a skeleton, so we should finally get a chance to see how they’ll handle combat so we can find out how that mechanic works, and… oh. Oh. They’re not going to fight the skeleton. They’re going to talk to each other. Roleplay.

Girl: Perhaps there is a clue hidden in the skull!
Hanks: (in a squeaky, panicked voice) Beware of the sacrilege!
Girl: Glacia the fighter is not afraid.

As Glacia the fighter approaches the skeleton, it is suddenly pulled up, out of the shot; presumably by a system of ropes and pulleys rigged up by Jay Jay, who, in addition to free run of the Theater Department and Anatomy Skeleton Department, apparently has the key to the Ropes and Pulleys Department. Either things are invisible when they are on the ceiling, or the characters can only see things in-frame, or Jay Jay’s system of ropes and pulleys pulls the skeleton down the tunnel and around the bend, because the skeleton, mouth flashlight and all, is now gone.

Showing bizarre and amazing lumination-location memory, Blondie says, “Look! where the light was pointing!”

Look! Where the light was pointing!


Ravenloft took my NADs

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

The Ravenloft board game uses stripped-down D&D 4e rules, which means that, as far as I’m concerned, it’s auditioning to become the real D&D rules. I think each piece of the whole baroque structure of D&D should be examined for freshness daily.

Notably absent from Ravenloft are the Non AC Defenses (NADs): Reflex, Fortitude, and Will. Every Ravenloft attack targets AC. I gotta tell you… I didn’t miss my NADs.

Reflex, Fortitude, and Will saving throws, introduced in 3e, were a huge advance from the saving throws of 1e and 2e. 4e further improved the system by having the attacker, not the defender, roll the d20. I think the next big improvement – maybe in 5e – might be to eliminate the whole subsystem. Whaa? Paul, you’re crazy! I know, right?

Thirdhand science says: Randomize your treasure!

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Laura Redcloud’s review of “How We Decide” gives me some (pseudo?)science to justify something I already believe:* random game rewards are more fun.

[W]e get pleasure when our (subconscious) expectations of reward are met, and we feel upset when those expectations are dashed. Additionally, we get extra dopamine when the reward is surprising. So, what we like, from most to least:

-2 Surprising disappointment
-1 Predictable disappointment
+1 Predictable confirmation of expectations
+2 Surprising confirmation of expectations

1e D&D is a hulking eldritch megabeast born from a mad wizard’s experimental combination of surprising rewards and surprising punishments.

4e repudiated randomness for sanity, balance, and survivability. On the whole, 4e is stronger for it.

Treasure, though, is an area where randomness should reign.

problems with monster HP: prove me wrong! or right!

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

This morning I claimed that monsters gain too many HP per level, based on the fact that a) PC damage increases by 1 point per attack, and b) the design intent is that monsters be killed by 4 attacks.

Check my math! I said that a reasonable average damage for level-30 at-wills is 38 HP (or slightly more for a striker). Can you guys make me some builds? (Remember, these are all-around decent character builds, not optimized-for-damage builds.) The rules are: you choose a class, an at-will power, an attribute arrangement of your choice, and no more than 4 feats and 2 magic items.