Archive for the ‘game design’ Category

hit point lessons from mm3 on a business card

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

It seems to me that 4e monster Hit Points don’t scale properly.

From examining the MM3 on a business card, we see that every level, monsters get +1 to hit, defenses, and damage. At level 1, they have about 32 HP, and they get 8 HP per level.

(From what I’ve seen, PCs tend to have comparable to-hit, defenses, and at-will damage. Of course, over the course of a fight, PCs are better than monsters, due to encounter and daily powers, feats, and other complications. In the simplest cases, though, PCs and monsters can stand in for each other.)

So what’s the problem? As far as I can see, the monster math above suggests that at higher levels, fights will drag on longer as monsters gain proportionally more HP. And indeed, in practice, I see this happening. I recently ran a level 30 adventure, and the fights took forever. Here’s why:

Take a level 1 monster. He has 32 HP. He (and his opponents) do an average of 9 points of damage per hit. That’s great! That means it will take about 4 hits to kill a monster. A highly damaging hit (a crit or encounter power) might bloody the monster in one hit. That feels exactly right to me. In fact, according to this excerpt from Player’s Strategy Guide, 4 hits per monster is the design intention: “Assume that your heroes can kill a typical monster with four successful attacks.”

At level 1, we are exactly on target. However, monsters gain 8 HP per level! That means, in order to keep up, the PCs (who should be able to kill a monster in 4 hits) need to increase their average damage by 2, every level. In order to stay on par, all level-30 PCs (leaders and controllers as well as strikers) would need to be doing about 70 damage per hit. There’s no way they can do that! The result? Monster HP outstrips PC damage.

Mazes and Monsters retro-clone 6: Live Action Maze Exploration

Monday, August 23rd, 2010
This entry is part 6 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

We’ve come a long way in our exploration of the Mazes and Monsters rules. The old rules. The old, boring, sit-around-the-table rules. But now it’s time for the next stage of the game:

Evolved Mazes & Monsters

As I mentioned last week, JayJay (the guy who wears the hats) had a brain wave while looking for a quiet place to commit suicide: he invented the “next evolution of the game”, which turns out to be LARPing in a cave. This is an event as momentous as the D&D rules branching into Basic and Advanced D&D, and therefore deserves its own section of the rules, if not its own rule book.

Evolved Mazes and Monsters

Read this book second!

At some point, the psychic danger of the terrifying world of Mazes and Monsters, and the physical danger of death by candlefire, may not provide enough of a thrill for you. You and your players will be ready for an evolution of mazes and monsters, at a more sophisticated level.

WARNING: Evolved Mazes and Monsters is only for the most advanced players! If you have never played Mazes and Monsters at at least Level 9, CLOSE THIS BOOK NOW as its contents will certainly drive you into a mental state from which you may never recover!

There. Now that the less advanced players are gone, we can reveal the terrifying secrets of Evolved Mazes and Monsters: players dress in costumes and stand in a cave.


Mazes and Monsters retro-clone 5: It’s a Trap!

Monday, August 16th, 2010
This entry is part 5 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

the cleverest of all sprites

the cleverest of all sprites

Last week’s game session over, we see JJ and Blondie hangin’ out together, painting some miniatures. You know. Like you do, as bros.

Here we see JJ with his magifying glass. It was probably part of, like, a Sherlock Holmes costume (JJ’s schtick is that he loves costumes). Who knows, maybe the magnifying glass will come in handy again if he ever gets a job as Construction Producer on “Handyman Superstar Challenge”.

So apparently Mazes and Monsters minis are made out of paper? or cardboard? Anyway, they’re flimsy — providing nothing like the honest, slightly-toxic solidity of the lead miniature that D&D was using at the same time. Mazes and Monster’s publisher (whoever it was) just never had the money TSR did to produce licensed gamepieces. Luckily, the Mazes and Monsters minis are always conveniently facing the camera, so it looks like they’re not quite as ramshackle as they are.

Mazes and Monsters retro-clone 4: love and character sheets

Monday, August 9th, 2010
This entry is part 4 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

A strange plant is growing in Tom Hanks’ heart… and its name is love. In a story repeated at so many gaming tables, the tank (Kate) is falling in love with the healer (Hanks).

Mazes and Monsters

What's that at the end of the maze? It's a heart!

I have to pause here. Mazes and Monsters has never got the recognition it deserved as one of Hanks’ most emotionally powerful love stories. Tom Hanks has been in a lot of movies – imdb lists 60, with another 15 in production – but Mazes and Monsters is one of the warmest and most romantic films he’s ever been in. I’d seriously put it in the top 3 Hanks love stories. Let’s go through some of his biggest roles:

  • Dragnet: A buddy movie; the other buddy gets the romantic subplot.
  • Big: Child in an adult body.
  • Turner & Hooch: A love story between a guy and a dog.
  • A League of Their Own: A baseball coach has a team of female players and doesn’t have a romance with any of them.
  • Sleepless in Seattle: A romantic comedy in which Hanks and the girl don’t actually spend any time in the same city.
  • Philadelphia: Antonia Banderas is presumably Hanks’ boyfriend, but they act like roommates.
  • Forrest Gump: OK, Forrest loves Jennay. So far, this is the only Hanks movie I’d put in the romantic class of Mazes and Monsters.
  • Apollo 13: Hanks spends the movie 205,500 miles away from his wife.
  • Saving Private Ryan: Hanks’ love for Private Ryan is never made explicit.
  • You’ve Got Mail: I haven’t seen this but I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt: maybe, unlike in Sleepless in Seattle, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan actually meet and don’t JUST email each other.
  • Cast Away: Love story between a man and a volleyball.
  • The Polar Express: Love story between a Hanks and a Hanks.
  • The Da Vinci Code: The idea of anyone loving a man with that hair is clearly preposterous. Besides, *SPOILERS REDACTED* Jesus Hanks.

All I’m saying is, it’s unusual for a Hollywood leading man to be so asexual. Hanks’ heart will forever be barren and inhospitable to love, as if he left the Mazes and Monsters set with +3 bracers vs. Cupid’s arrow. Why? Could it be that he never forgot Kate? or could it be that his Mazes and Monsters obsession left him warped – a child in a man’s body (an echo of which we can see in Big)? Remember, not everyone is able to play at the Ninth Level. Perhaps Hanks was not ready for the demands Jaffe put upon him.

But that’s all in the future. Here, today, at this gaming session, Tom Hanks’ heart is very much alive. We see a montage of his eyes locking with Kate’s over the gaming table… him ducking under her umbrella… them jogging together. Sexy stuff! But for our purposes, the most important scene is the two of them working on their character sheets together.. We get screenshots!

Mazes and Monsters retro-clone 3: meet the characters

Monday, August 2nd, 2010
This entry is part 3 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

After last week’s extremely informative introduction to the game system, we get a shot, from one of the players’ point of view, of a character sheet and a corner of the game board.

character sheet

Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to read the character sheet. So much valuable rules information, lost, just because of lousy screen resolution! Squinting, I can sort of convince myself that the second word on the character sheet (after the character’s name?) is “strength”. The fourth word seems to end with “ing” (cunning?) and the fifth word looks like it ends with “ge” (courage?)

Monster Manual 3 on a business card

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

With the changes to monster stats in Monster Manual 3, it’s now so easy to create monsters that I can fit all the formulae I need for attacks, defenses, and hit points on a wallet-sized piece of paper, and I’d still have room on the back to sell adspace (targeting the coveted 18-34 “people who are photo ID” demographic). In fact, I’m thinking of replacing MM3 with a business card.

Note: Through April 10, you can get MM3 business cards as a backer bonus for my Random Dungeon Generator poster!

Business card front

(high-quality printable version)

Business card back

(high-quality printable version)

Also on a business card:
Character Sheet on a business card

I like to come up with my own monsters on the fly. Once I come up with the idea of a giant roc with four elephant heads, I don’t need a Monster Manual to tell me that it has a fly speed, can make four grab attacks, and that it drops armored PCs onto sharp rocks to get at the food inside.

What I like the Monster Manual for is that it provides me numbers. If I want to run my Crowliphaunt as a level 12 elite brute, I can open the monster manual, look up a level 12 elite brute (flesh golem, for instance), and use its attack bonus, defenses, hit points, and damage expressions, swapping in my own damage types, status effects, and bizarre special abilities.

Really, though, there’s a lot of excess poundage in the Monster Manual that I don’t use every session. A while ago, I started running monsters using a cheat sheet listing the average defenses, hit points, etc. of each monster role, along with the damage expressions from DMG page 42. This cut down the Monster Manual to about a page.

Rory and Paul on D&D Essentials

Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Hey Rory! I heard the sky is falling!

Quick! Look outside!

Oh no! the sky is gone!

Paul, did you actually look out the window?

No, I just went to


Mazes and Monsters retro-clone 2: actual gameplay

Monday, July 26th, 2010
This entry is part 2 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

(As I mentioned in part I, I’m reverse engineering the rules to the RPG from the Tom Hanks blockbuster Rona Jaffe’s Mazes and Monsters.)

Here’s the first scene where we see a Mazes and Monsters game being played! And, as we’d expect in this film, which is so steeped in RPG rules that it is practically a Mazes and Monsters manual, we can get a lot of rules information from just the first frame of this scene.

Mazes and Monsters board

First of all, we can see that this game is played on a board. (I think? It could also be just an awesome coffee table that happens to have a dungeon-like pattern.) Second, we see that there are candles. Lots and lots of candles. Finally, we see what looks like a GM’s screen, shaped like a sweet castle!

Notable for their absence: dice. None of the players have any dice sitting in front of them. What kind of game is this? What do the players stack when they are bored? The only possible answer is NOTHING, because IN MAZES AND MONSTERS YOU DO NOT GET BORED!!!

If anyone had any lingering doubts about Mazes and Monsters being an entirely separate game from D&D, those doubts should be dispelled. Most editions of D&D have some sentence that is a variation on the following: All you need to play this game is a few friends, this book, dice — and imagination!

Imagine that sentence as it would appear in the Mazes and Monsters rulebook:

All you need to play this game is at least three friends, this book, NO dice, a board (or possibly a coffee table), and some personal problems you want to work out. Hundreds of candles are optional but highly recommended.

OK, let’s get to some dialogue!

Mazes and Monsters: retro clone

Monday, July 19th, 2010
This entry is part 1 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

There have been a lot of open-source old-school game clones: OSRIC, Labyrinth Lord, etc, letting people legally produce content compatible with older games. One game that has been sadly neglected is Mazes and Monsters. Who among us doesn’t have fond childhood memories of spelunking in costume until our friend Tom Hanks went crazy?

Mazes and MonstersWell, not me, because I was never lucky enough to find a M&M group – I had to make do with Dungeons and Dragons. Rona Jaffe’s Mazes and Monsters sure made M&M look intriguing though. Evil creatures! Traps! Descent into madness! Hats!

It’s been suggested that there never was a M&M game – that the Mazes and Monsters movie is an excoriating criticism of a fictionalized version of D&D. If so, it is a dismal failure, because as we can see from the movie, MAZES AND MONSTERS IS NOTHING LIKE DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS. Therefore, unless we are to assume that Rona Jaffe and everyone involved in the movie are total idiots who didn’t bother to do the most trivial speck of research, we must assume that the movie is an excoriating criticism of a real game called Mazes and Monsters that I have just never heard of.

Rulebooks of Mazes and Monsters are hard to come by; luckily Rona Jaffe’s movie contains a wealth of gaming detail – enough, I think, to make a workable retro-clone. I volunteer to watch the movie and glean any rules details. The M&M community will have to help fill in any rules gaps with memories and speculation!

My first question for the community: Since the name “Mazes and Monsters” is undoubtedly under copyright, what should we call our retro clone? The suggestions that come to my mind are

  • Mazes and Hanksters
  • Mazes and MOSRIC
  • Rona Jaffe’s Dungeons and Dragons

Vote or leave suggestions in the comments!

Let’s start watching the movie!

Media Uproar


He sounds a little like Howard Cosell.

The movie begins with wailing police sirens and a be-trenchcoated reporter doing a story about a Mazes and Monsters-related disappearance. Even in his media fearmongering, though, we can find good material for our game:

REPORTER: Mazes and Monsters is a fantasy role-playing game in which players create imaginary characters. These characters are then plunged into a fantasy world of imagined terrors. The point of the game is to amass a fortune without being killed. It’s kind of a psychodrama, you might say, where these people deal with problems in their lives by acting them out.

This is good stuff! Let’s use it for page 1 of our game!

Why parties know everything but can get away with nothing

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

There are three types of skill checks:

  • Roll 5d20, take the highest
  • roll 1d20
  • roll 5d20, take the lowest

Roll 5d20, take the highest:
Insight, and Any knowledge check. Everyone rolls: someone is always going to roll high. Anyone who rolls low will retcon their failed skill check into a successful “aid another” check.
This is why knowledge and Insight checks always succeed. Once one player declares one, everyone else rolls for it too.

Roll 1d20:
A character uses Athletics.
Sometimes you jump over the pit, sometimes you fall in the pit. Just as it should be.

Roll 5d20, take the lowest:
The party tries to use Stealth.
Someone is always going to roll low. This is why no matter how clever their plan is, D&D groups can never avoid combat (that and their “clever plan” is actually really bad). 4e is better in this regard than 3e, where everyone had an opportunity to blow their Hide roll AND their Move Silently roll, but it is still bad.

Given the numerical variance between “roll 5d20, drop the 4 lowest” and “roll 5d20, drop the 4 highest”, it’s really hard to set universal, memorable DCs that can be used for all skills.

In the past, I’ve dealt with this problem by using a variation of the mechanism suggested in the 4e DMG: asking the party to do a single skill check, using their most knowledgeable PC for knowledge checks and their least stealthy character for stealth checks. It’s an improvement, but it’s sad that the guy with the second-highest Knowledge check is basically useless and has wasted his skill investment.

The DMG2 has some great advice about doing group checks, specifically Stealth checks. Everyone rolls their Stealth, and if at least half of party succeed, the group check is successful.

This is a totally great rule. It’s a perfect fix for Stealth. It’s a shame that it’s tucked in a sidebar in the DMG2, not in the DMG1, or the PHB skill section, so that more DMs won’t read it; the “one bad roll screws up the whole plan” syndrome is implied by the Stealth rules and, in my experience as a player, is almost universally used by DMs. This leads to “screw it, let’s do a frontal assault” syndrome, which eliminates a lot of possibilities for sneaky fun, or “let’s send the thief in alone” syndrome, which often leads to thief death.

I wonder whether the same rule shouldn’t be used for knowledge checks. Instead of everyone individually making a check, everyone pieces together their knowledge. If half or more of the party succeeds, the party remembers that beholders are evil, or whatever. This would mean that you don’t have to set knowledge DCs insanely high to challenge the wizard: you can use moderate DCs. The wizard is still helpful, pitching an automatic success, and the second-smartest guy still gets to contribute.