Archive for the ‘game design’ Category

time as a pc resource

Monday, September 5th, 2011

I started thinking about D&D timekeeping while reading my swagged copy of Adventurer Conqueror King on the plane back from Gencon.

There’s all sorts of rules in 1e D&D that require timekeeping: monthly cost of hirelings; spell research; recovery of HP; taxes; building; aging; income from lands. All that stuff is notable in its absence from modern D&D, and seems like it might be a fun addition to paragon-level 4e D&D. The problem is, tracking the passage of days and weeks is not something I do as a DM in 4e, any more than tracking players’ alignments or using charts to determine the weather each morning. I have an inefficient brain and I always forget anything that can be forgotten (I like to dignify this process with the title “streamlining the rules.”)

What if timekeeping were turned over to the players to track? Well, unless time passing were interesting in some way, they wouldn’t do it. What if time were a resource to manage, and they got some benefit from spending it?

Let’s say that, at the end of any session, the players may choose to spend a month. They can only do this if they’re at a home base where they can reasonably hang out – not if they’re in the middle of a combat or a dungeon. They may only spend one month per session, and they don’t have to spend one at all if they don’t want to.

The DM can also spend one or more months during a session, if, for instance, the PCs are travelling uneventfully.

What do the characters get when they spend a month?

  • Why not give them some XP? This would represent training and research outside of the adventure – the way normal people level up. If you gave PCs 3% of the XP towards the next level per month, that would be enough for totally sedentary PCs to get to level 10 over the course of a 30-year career. You could set this up as a money drain. In order to get the benefit of monthly training, they need to spend some amount of money on books/training/carousing.
  • Income from lands! This makes lands and titles an actual type of treasure, not a purely roleplaying reward.
  • Building! Even dwarven engineers can’t upgrade your fort overnight.
  • Politics moves at this scale. A month might be the amount of time it takes for a kingdom to raise an army, a spy to report back from a mission, or a caravan or army to travel from one kingdom to another.
  • Crazy long-lasting magical effects (that are compatible with normal adventuring)! Make a save at the end of every month to see if you are still under the love spell of the Lady of the Fey Grove. On a failure, you spend your non-adventuring time hawking and balladeering with her, and you won’t hear a word against her.
  • If you’re wanted by the law, you might want to lay low for a month or two until the heat dies down.

    Of course, time also takes a toll…

  • Taxes and rents! At low levels, PCs are more likely to have monthly expenses than monthly income, so low-level parties might not want to spend time willy nilly.
  • Aging! In a long-running campaign, a human might actually grow up, maybe have kids. Elves, of course, wouldn’t change at all.

    This system is unlikely to kill off your characters from old age, since, for a weekly group, time passes, at most, at around four times the rate of real time. In fact, between missed sessions and sessions ended in the dungeon, game time is likely to go about the same speed as real time.

    The Month resource allows us some options:

  • I love in-game festivals! If time is actually passing, you can non-arbitrarily have, say, a harvest festival come up, or the dead rise during an eclipse.
  • We could decide that all effects of an extended rest – replenishment of daily powers, full healing – only take place when players spend a month. Sleeping overnight might have some lesser benefit, like getting back some number of surges.
  • You can have time-based campaign challenges. Maybe the orcs raid every winter when their food stores run out. Maybe the treaty with the Empire expires in three months.
  • suggestions for 5e: lose shift and opportunity attack

    Monday, July 25th, 2011

    I played 4e with a 3rd edition player the other day and she said, “I thought 4e combat was supposed to be simpler.”

    It’s true that, while 4e did some great streamlining, it added a bunch of new complications. Here are my suggestions for simplifying Fifth Edition combat:

    • Get rid of the Marked condition and similar defender abilities.
    • Get rid of opportunity attacks – or, more precisely, make opportunity attacks a class feature belonging to fighters and similar defender types. (Taking a general rule and making it a class feature is a great way to hide complexity – the way 4e First Strike, a rogue feature, replaces 3e’s rule that everyone is flat-footed until their first combat turn.)
    • Take away Shifts. All they are is a way to avoid opportunity attacks anyway.

    Now people can move around with impunity in combat, except around close-combat-trained defenders/soldiers, who are sticky. And instead of adding rules, we’ve cut out a giant block of rules with a scalpel.

    I’d use these as 4e house rules except that so many exceptions-based rules key off every rules element. Exceptions-based rule design is great, but it does mean that house-ruling is always slightly more involved than you’d like.

    When Theory Meets Practice – Character Flaws

    Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

    There are a lot of interesting ideas for running D&D or making tweaks to the rules that sound really cool when you first think of them but that sadly don’t work out in actual play. I will explore many such ideas in this series: going over what makes the ideas attractive in the first place, explaining why they don’t work, and suggesting compromise solutions.

    Character Flaws: In most rpgs that offer a system for flaws, the characters can take one or more flaws in exchange for some kind of benefit. So maybe my character is blind but gets an extra feat to compensate for their blindness.

    Teen heartthrob Peter Dinklage

    The Attraction: Flaws can be fun roleplaying opportunities and give more depth to a character. It can be fun to play a one armed fighter sometimes or a character whose pride is so strong they will NEVER retreat from combat.

    Furthermore, many epic heroes from film and literature have notable disadvantages that can be fun to mirror. Conan the Barbarian is extremely prideful and has an impulsive nature that gets him into a lot of trouble. Horatio Hornblower (that noble fantasy hero) has a strict code of honor. Tyrion Lannister is an ugly dwarf reviled by those who first meet him or have heard of his reputation (of course, in the HBO series he is played by teen heartthrob Peter Dinklage).

    The Hard Truth: There are a lot of potential problems with flaws: (more…)

    character sheet on a business card

    Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

    One of the obstacles to pick-up D&D is that you probably don’t have your character sheet with you. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could fit it in your wallet, along with your Monster Manual?

    Business card front

    (high-quality printable version)

    Business card back

    (high-quality printable version)

    Character sheet sizes have varied greatly, from the austerity of the one-page Basic character (with lots of whitespace) to the excesses of the four-page 3rd edition sheets. In fourth edition, the character sheet has shrunk from the original front-and-back version to the delightful one-page Essentials sheet, which now has 12 lines for “Powers and Feats”, enough for any character as long as they’re level 1.

    Character Sheet on a Business Card: My 2 x 3.5-inch character sheet has pretty much everything the official D&D one has, but it’s dollhouse-sized. In order to use it, you might have to write in a fine, spidery script, and possibly change your character name from “Robert the Warhorn, Eater of Worlds” to “Bob W. Eater”, but that’s a small price to pay for the ability to accidentally hand your 12th-level warlock to visiting businessmen.

    Skills and Attributes: I laid out the business card so that you write your skill bonuses in the margins. Also, you’ll underline your trained skills, which saves a couple dozen checkboxes.

    Powers and Feats: You don’t have room to write your powers, but that’s not really unusual for a 4e character sheet. You should be using power cards: they also fit in your wallet. Also notice that this character sheet has room for 15 feats – three more than the Essentials sheet!

    Notes and Character Portrait: It’s not a character sheet if there’s nowhere to draw a portrait. In the combined Notes/Portrait section, you won’t have much room for both, but the player who is doodling elaborate blood spatters on her orc barbarian is not the party note-taker anyway.

    The business card format: The nice thing about business cards is that they’re super cheap. You can print up, like, 500 business cards for like $10!

    don’t plan it, He-Man it

    Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

    When modern archaeologists excavate a site, they don’t dig everything up; they take samples. They do it because they have limited time and resources, and because they want to leave something for future researchers to examine.

    That’s something I should remind myself while doing DM worldbuilding.

    A complete archaeological excavation determines what’s present at a site, but it also determines what isn’t. A complete excavation would kill some of the magic of a site – strip it of its last mystery.

    It’s a lesson that’s hard to learn. I’m the kind of person who feels the impulse to map out the whole D&D world, and determine where each monster lives – and which monsters don’t exist in my campaign.

    Instead of that, I’m trying to switch to a core-sample approach, using the PCs as the core drill. We learn a lot about the PCs’ immediate area. Beyond that, there’s a lot of room left for future excavation.

    The Chekhov Model

    Years ago, I had the idea that everything had to be planned before you started a campaign. If your 3e campaign has a race of highly intelligent creatures who masquerade as ceilings (Cloaker, average Intelligence 14), surely a few Cloakers would have moved to the city and work as university professors or something. Like Chekhov’s Gun, every campaign element has to be introduced up front.

    The He Man Model

    The thing is, he actually had many faces.

    I’ve moved from Chekhov to a more appropriate literary model: He Man and the Masters of the Universe. He Man didn’t start with a huge cast of characters: it introduced new characters whenever the writers (or toymakers) thought of one. Where was Man-E-Faces before he was featured in an episode? Offscreen somewhere. Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars chronicles follow a similar model. Burroughs introduced a new continent, complete with a color-coded humanoid race, every time he needed an idea for his next book.

    I’m trying to He-Man it from now on. I’m not banning dragonborn, for instance, but I’m not killing myself to detail their location in the world, either. If someone wants to be a dragonborn, maybe we’ll figure it out.

    Halflings are a different story. Those little bastards are GONE.

    a picture of every creature in the Monster Manual 1, where they live, and their level range

    Monday, June 6th, 2011

    Every creature in the Monster Manual

    (Click for unreasonably large size)

    I crammed pretty much every MM1 creature on one image.

    Every monster has a level band, showing the level range between the highest and lowest version of the monster. Monsters are divided up according to their most common location: the planes, the wilderness, civilization, the sea, exotic lands, and the dungeon.

    Although it’s not necessarily the best way to make encounters, you could cross-index the level and location of your party and see at a glance all the monsters they’re likely to encounter.


  • For level band purposes, I’m ignoring minions, which I believe are game constructs for representing monsters of significantly lower level.
  • I’ve made a lot of judgment calls. Some creatures with planar origins are common in the natural world, but I only drew them once. I tried to rely on flavor text. A lot of undead can be found anywhere; I’ve somewhat arbitrarily split them between the wilderness and dungeon, depending on whether I associate them with crypts.
  • I didn’t plot monsters constructed by wizards, such as battlebriar, boneclaw, colossus, eidolon, flameskull, golem, guardian, helmed horror, homunculus, and zombie. I did include skeletons, which tend to outlast their creators.
  • I’ve also identified some monsters as “exotic”: creatures likely to be found on lost continents, distant deserts, and frozen wastes, not the magical Europe that most D&D campaigns start in. Culturally imperialist distinction? Perhaps.
  • I’ve generally anchored monster names at the bottom of the level bands because I think that the low-level versions usually represent the bulk of the species, and the high-level versions are usually leaders or champions.
  • Printable Mazes and Monsters game board

    Monday, May 23rd, 2011
    This entry is part 34 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

    You probably remember sitting around with your friends playing Mazes and Monsters back in the 80s, but your mom threw away all your M&M stuff during the Tom Hanks Scare of ’82. And original Mazes and Monsters gamebooks are so hard to find on eBay! How are you supposed to play M&M retro clones?

    Problem solved! I’ve lovingly restored the Mazes and Monsters game board onto hand-crafted free PDFs. Just print out two of each PDF and tape them together.

    Mazes and Monsters board, bottom left and top right

    Mazes and Monsters board, top left and bottom right

    Between this and the Maze Controller’s screen, you’re just about ready to descend into a spiral of fantasy and madness. Candles not included!

    Coming in a week or two: Paper-doll minis, suitable for Mazes and Monsters, or for any game system that features fighters, holy men, and frenetics.

    flaming oil through the editions

    Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

    I just looked up flaming oil in my Basic D&D book. It did 1d8 damage on the first round and 1d8 in the second. Of course, it was more complicated than its watered-down 4e equivalent, Alchemist’s Fire: with Flaming Oil, you had to douse a guy with oil and then make an easy attack roll to set the enemy on fire.

    1983 Basic equipment list.

    1983 Basic equipment list.

    Still, 2d8 was a lot of damage in Basic D&D. Keep in mind that all weapons do 1d6: variable weapon damage is still listed an optional rule in my 1983 Basic set. Even with the optional rule, oil’s average of 9 damage is the same average as a fighter with 18 strength and a +2 longsword. It’s enough, on average, to kill a 2-hit dice creature in one shot. It’s hard to compare, but in 4e, to kill a 2nd level creature in one hit would take about 40 damage.

    There wasn’t much monetary inflation between Basic and 4e – a Basic sword costs 10gp and a 4e sword costs 15 gp – but Basic flaming oil costs 2gp. That’s a tenth of its cost in 4e. Cheaper and more effective.

    By the way, I notice that the new 4e alchemist theme allows you to use a free alchemical item as an encounter power. That improves alchemy considerably.

    Finally you can have your own sweet Mazes and Monsters GM screen!

    Monday, May 9th, 2011
    This entry is part 33 of 34 in the series Mazes and Monsters

    The original Mazes and Monsters MC screen.

    The original Mazes and Monsters MC screen.

    Or Maze Controller’s Screen, to be more precise. Just like the one that Daniel rocked in the movie.

    I’ve made a printable screen that is JUST AS COOL as the original, and it has all the Mazes and Monsters charts you need to run the game. (Edit: I’ve added a blank template as well, for use with other games: see below.) Wandering monster matrix, Maiming Subtable, it’s all here. It looks something like this:

    Click for a bigger view

    Click for a bigger view

    Here are all four PDFs you need to construct it. They’ll be in the completed M&M PDF.
    left front section
    left section
    right front section
    right section

    Or if you want blank templates so that you can play with your own rules of choice but LOOK like you’re playing Mazes and Monsters, you can use these instead of the left section and right section:
    left section (blank)
    right section (blank)

    I’ve tried printing and cutting it out, and the completed castle looks pretty nifty. I can’t wait for my next M&M playtest.

    burning through your flaming oil

    Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

    I’m reconsidering last week’s post about making alchemical items into encounter powers. Maybe part of the charm and flavor of flaming oil, holy water, and the rest are that they are expendable resources, like potions – part of the long-term resource management aspect of the game. In old school D&D, you’re like, “I have some money… I’ll get some chain mail, and some iron rations, and… let’s say 3 flasks of oil.” I dunno. Is the expendability an integral or nonessential property of a flask of oil?

    What’s more fun:
    a) “Holy crap, this is a dire situation! I’ll use my flask of oil to set these guys on fire.”
    b) “It’s round 4 of combat and I’ve used my encounter powers. I’ll use my flask of oil to set these guys on fire.”

    Keep in mind that in situation b) you get to set a lot more guys on fire.