This is a bugfix release of Dungeon Robber, but I couldn’t resist throwing in more functionality.
People have been reporting their savegames disappearing, which is bad news. When I was a kid, I didn’t mind my Legend of Zelda save disappearing from the gold Nintendo cartridge, because it meant I got to play more Zelda. But these days I like my savegames to, you know, save. I’d been using the built-in Flash data-saving feature: I’m still using that, but I’m also backing up savegames to HTML5 storage, so each one can act as a backup if the other fails.
Not paranoid enough for you? I also added a “save settings” feature on the loading screen where you can physically make a copy of your Dungeon Robber savegame and save it into a text file or email it to yourself. This lets you import/export your character between multiple computers, and also lets you make sure your fully unlocked town will last forever.
I’ve also added a way to reset your game, if you want to start over from the days when your village had no buildings and your graveyard was empty.
Note: There’s one text error I’ve noticed: in the IMPORT feature, it claims that importing a game will delete the current game. That’s not true: in fact, you can’t import a game over an existing one. You’ll have to torch your village first, before you can import. I’ll update the text when I get home.
I’ve also added a little News section to the loading page, and a link to buy the poster, now that some people are playing the game who don’t follow my blog or kickstarter.
Finally, I’ve made it a little easier to delve down into the dungeon depths. I’ve added 4 inventory slots to every character. That means that you can load up on all the equipment you want and still have room in your pack for the occasional Jacinth of Estimable Beauty or other dungeon treasure.
I still have a long list of bugs to be fixed in an upcoming patch! If you find any new bugs, email me at paul at blogofholding!
Good lord, it just keeps getting better (although I wouldn’t have given the crybabies more slots for stuff … )
Can’t check just now as I’m at work, but is the link to buy the poster on the game page itself? I have been meaning to share a link to this via FB but can’t decide which page to link to (the initial post, one of the updates, or the game page) and would prefer the traffic goes somewhere people will see/buy the poster… do you care where the traffic is driven?
The Buy page is on the game page. The game page, is probably the best thing to share, especially since I can now jam news into there.
I like the fixes.
Can I request a different green on the loot? It’s really hard to read. I can read all of the text from about 3′ from my screen, but I need to lean in to 1′ away to read the loot description.
Oh yeah, I made it to King on Basic, too. Would have done it faster but for work. 😉
And shouldn’t (u)se an item be an option basically everywhere? I’ve had times where I’m facing a door but low on HP, and I’d rather drink the potion than either force it or wander off. But I had to wait until I either got into a fight or hit a generic corridor to drink it.
My export save game text is not showing up. Bug?
Possible bug — playing a thief, some items I can use say “stow” rather than “equip”. When I click it though I equip the item. This happened with Leather armor.
Nice feature I just noticed — items I can’t use are sold as “vendor trash” if I sell all vendor trash. Cool.
PeterD: I’m adding (u)se to more places in my current test version.
Mike: My test version has a fix for the Stow bug as well!
Eric: Try saving a game (going into a dungeon with any character) and try again. It should work once you’ve saved a game with the new software.
To retire and get a building in the town, do I have to die in the dungeon first? It seems odd that there’s no option to do so from town.
Don’t kill yourself !
The (r)etire option can be done at (h)ome once you have enough xp.
Wow, I mist have rolled a 1 on the spot check for that! Thanks, John!
Great game! Totally addictive and captures the spirit of a good dungeon crawl.
Working on the King slot now…
Accidentally got dumped to the 10th level… energy drain is cruel!
“Congratulations, Rutger Hauer, you level up to level 10! If you retired you’d be a prince! The king has given you his daughter’s (or son’s) hand and half the kingdom.”
Listening to the Braveheart soundtrack, too.
“Will you fight?”
“Fight? Against that? No, we will run. And we will live.”
“Aye. Fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR TREASURE!!!”
Started playing today and totally hooked on it. Very nice.
What I can’t find, is who to give stash to my henchmen. I want to give them armor and weapons, but it does not work.
What I find strange about henchmen, is that in combat a monster suddenly has two hits. One for me and one for the henchmen? I understand the fact that otherwise it is more easy, but it is not logic.
Or was I mistaken, I just had some fights with henchmen.
A monster shouldn’t have two hits in combat (unless it’s a dragon or something else with an area attack). If it happens again, copy the text where it happens and send it to me.
Some things I have on my list for upcoming expansions: equippable henchmen and less old-school level drain!
@Wim: maybe the monsters are all conjoined twins attached back-to-back, and normally can’t attack one dungeon robber, and the ONLY acceptable henchman tactic is to slip around to the other side and flank the monster. Hence the henchman suffers attack from the same monster, yet its pool of HP are unchanged.
Next henchman I get to name is totally gonna be named Hence.
Great game, really enjoying it! Any hope for a version I can play on my Android smartphone? I got Flash installed but still can’t manage to actually play, it gets all pflooey on my screen. (That’s a technical term.)
All Hail Queen Joanna of Advent !
Will have pictures and more details later, just wanted to be first 😉
Gratz! John M wins the race…
Yeah, I have no idea how it looks on a smartphone – I hope to work on a native smartphone version at some point, time permitting.
Bug, or intended behavior?:
1. Go to the coliseum.
2. Fight a monster.
3. Damage, but don’t kill it.
4. Charm it.
When it joins your party, its max hitpoints will be the value it had from the time it was charmed, rather than its max hitpoints at the start of the fight.
Um, I sent you screenshots 2 days ago (aug 7) of my advanced king.
Oops! I either forgot or lost that mail. Can you re-send?
@ RPL: How can you resent Paul when he’s given us this amazing game? 😛
Found another one. If resting when you have only an unsold piece of jewelry you will lose the entire value of the jewelry instead of getting change back.
RPL and Mike: I resend that remark!
Terren: Good point! I’ll fix it so that you get change from buying medicine.
So a friend linked me this game, and I love it, and I’ve gotten addicted! The only problem I have is my saves don’t seem to be very stable; if for some reason my browser crashes it tends to reset me to a much earlier point (generally some time before I spent hours playing). I tried using the import save, but I got a file not found error. Not sure if it was user error or what. Also, and I’m not complaining about this, but my character lost a bunch of levels due to some sort of bug, BUT kept all the HP gained from those levels. I now have a level 5 fighter with 34 HP XD Feels a little like cheating, but I like it!
I got a Princess before a Mayor, and I can’t access the smithy to utilize the Princess unlocks. I don’t know if this is a bug, or a conscious decision. If it is a conscious decision, I think there should be a note somewhere mentioning the order to unlock things in to prevent this from happening.
Also, I can’t find anything ingame or otherwise that explains how the light/heavy burden affects you, and I haven’t seen a noticeable difference. If I’m just blind, please tell me. Otherwise I love this game.
I swear I’m trying to be helpful, not critical. I feel like a jackass for pointing out so much….
However, I noticed that when I’m done selling, it automatically boots me back to the town menu, rather than keeping me “in” the shop to let me buy things. Nothing unbearable, just one of those little things.
I promise I enjoy this game, despite what it looks like!
…If you want my address to come break all my fingers, I’ll give it to you….
The area indicated here has a weird mouseover problem. You have to be over the quantity for it to show you the information on it, anywhere else on that line won’t show it. This happens no matter what item is in that spot.
The save function doesn’t work that well for me. I made a save after each level-up. But it happened several times to me that after saving the game, emailing it to me, and then, after burning down my village and restoring the previously saved game, my achievements were missing.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something important? Did anybody else encounter that phenomenon?
Save Game note:
Before exiting the page, closing browser tab, etc. *always* reenter the dungeon and then exit again. I’m using Chrome browser on Xubuntu OS and just closing the tab does not trigger a save – I have to enter the dungeon for it to actually initiate saving my character.
Does the full-size poster come folded or rolled?
So now that you can back up games does that make it easier to get to King in advanced dungeon robber. Has anyone tested this? If you lose a hero you can reload from a previous save?
Found a +1 dagger. It didn’t give me the option to equip, only to stow. Once I stowed both it and my bludgeon, I could equip the +1 dagger.
Laura: Maybe you got drained by a vampire? I know of a bug where vampire drain leaves you with too many hit points – which, unfortunately, I’m fixing in the next build.
Griff – the more bug reports, the better! 1) You’re right, Princess should unlock the smithy. Heavy burden just measn you can;t run away and have more difficulty geting out of some pits: I’ll add a note to the tooltip. Great find on the item description hotspot! and I’ll check out the shop booting you out.
Larkus and scottz: I’m adding a “quit and save” option in town to save more explicitly.
Cameron: The poster comes rolled. It’s 3 feet tall so make sure you’ve got room for it!
William – This will be fixed in the upcoming patch. Unfortunately, no ETA on the patch because I can’t resist adding new features…
Just FYI: the no-equip-option bug is now pretty persistent for my game. Lots and lots of stuff I pick up has this same problem. Glad to hear the next patch will fix it.
Perhaps I did, I honestly can’t recall. Definitely going to keep this character for a while though XD
I receive these messages on gmail, but the links in the emails are no good. They all give me a 404 error:
The problem that I have is, that it frequently happens if I restore a save game my hero is there, but the adventurer’s monument shows “no heroes to celebrate yet”, and accordingly all the advancements in the game (smithy, temple, etc.) aren’t there either.
^ By the above I mean restoring a previously exported save game that I have saved as a text file or that I have emailed to myself. Sometimes it works but sometimes it causes problems (missing infrastructure in town).
About the save game problem. I noticed that often the save game string ends in ===. But not always. My guess is that if it is missing the final == the save is corrupt. Does remind me of a coding scheme that ==.
Not so much a bug (I’ve emailed you about the ones I’ve found) but a feature request for the future: Maybe some sort of way for a wizard to get a spellbook? Having to carry around 4 scrolls all the time really makes it hard to carry treasure, especially as you start finding more items with persistent effects you might want. I mean I’d be fine with the spellbook being expensive or a rare item you have to find or something but carrying around all those scrolls is really cramping my style!
Man, I’m addicted to this game. Thanks! I’d love to be able to play it from my phone though, and since I can’t do flash on my phone
I’m having a lot of fun playing this, thank you for developing this and making it available. My experience with saves is similar to Larkus, the stats on my non-retired player-character are maintained from one session to the next, but any retired characters and their improvements,i.e., smithy, expanded goods selection, class unlocks, etc, are lost. Might be something I’m doing wrong so I’m trying a few other things as well. Good luck with the game and the new baby, and thanks again.
Love this game too much!
I can’t figure out the coin conversion rate. And how much are gems and jewelry worth? Its probably me, being dopey.
I am very hesitant to report this bug, as it has really helped my thief make it out of some tight places, but I discovered that if, in the middle of combat, I select *(u)se an item*, then abort, the menu gives me the option to *sneak (a)ttack* again. It certainly saved Swidthef’s bacon when he was lost on level 5 with only a scroll he couldn’t really use as a level 2 thief, but … I guess it should be fixed. I’ve been assuaging my conscience by pretending the character is an assassin and or something and that by fumbling for an iten in his pack he distracts the monster enough to sneak attack again…. Or you can delete this comment it’ll be our little secret…
I think I just hit a bug with saved games. I had a promising character (with a +1 fishing pole!) die horribly, and even played several more characters. I just came back into the game, and his save file had come back. I’m pretty sure this guy had died before.
Trying to figure out how my first level wizard works. I have a scroll of cast sleep, but I can’t use it. But when I have it, I can cast sleep. Does that mean I need to carry a scroll in my inventory for every spell that I want to cast?
I have a million little questions like this, and I bet if you put up a little wiki people would quite quickly fill it up with useful information.