Re-inventing common objects and foods is a worldbuilding rookie mistake. In a novel, it’s annoying if the main character drinks k’jinn instead of milk. It exoticises the main character and distances the reader. In RPGs, it’s even worse. If you say, “In my campaign world, milk is called k’jinn”, players will not start saying “Legolas takes a drink of k’jinn.” You’ll be lucky if you get “Legolas takes a drink of ka-spoon, or whatever milk is called.”
There is, however, a place for exotic foods and names. If a drink has a made-up name, that should mark it as exotic to the characters. If the PCs travel to a new continent, and everyone who meets them offers them a glass of k’jinn, this might make them feel like they’ve actually traveled somewhere.
Tags: everybook
Yams are not that exotic! It’s just that you don’t eat vegetables.
But good point about players and ka-spoon!
Very well put. Especially in a high fantasy world, why not have access to everything on Earth and more! But tagging what is exotic in game is important. “Voshian Blue Goat Cheese you say!”